State of Social 07: What was heating up in July?

July was a big month for news, less so for soaring temperatures.

As we cautiously tip into August, clinging to a bottle of SPF, a beach towel and our hopes for just a little bit of Summer, we look back at what WAS hot in July. And of course we mean the all-important updates from the world of social media.

Introducing the State of Social 07, from our super social, Social Media Manager, Verity. Enjoy! 

You asked and TikTok listened

TikTok have finally sat up, listened to users and implemented an ‘upload cover image’ button 🥳

In a clear move to rival Instagram, you can now add any image from your camera roll to feature as the ‘cover photo’ for your latest TikTok upload. 

This well received update in the editing process is a smart move from the platform as it's enhancing the branding opportunities of an accounts' interface. Previously the cover had to be a still image, selected from the video which meant that picking a cover could sometimes be a little chaotic. Now, all cover images can be curated using a set of cohesive and creative brand guidelines (helloooo 2015 IG grid goals).

This will likely be a game changer for brands – but with the rise in popularity of authentic content, will this change go against the grain for many target 16-24 year olds?

Reels get a musical makeover 🎶

What’s this we hear? IG is on the front foot?!

Brand new for July, you can now add up to 20 tracks in one Reel. It’s true… and it’s something that TikTok CAN’T do, natively anyway.

So, get ready to remix. This Reel upgrade is well and truly a game-changer for creators. Not only can you add multiple songs – you can visually align audio to elements like Stickers, clips and text whilst editing in-app. This update will offer creators the opportunity to be more flexible and creative in their short-form vids.

Social media nerds (me) will be asking – what happens to trending audio?! It'll be interesting to find out...

In addition, amateur DJs (also me) will have the ability to create unique audio mixes that can be saved, downloaded and reused by (potentially) millions! Does this offer up a new way for budding musicians to launch their careers?

Seems like a good opportunity to me...

Take some notes, on Notes

Instagram is back at it again with yet another update for the 'Notes' messaging feature. Now being pushed outside of DMs, ‘Grammers can now leave Notes on feed posts and Reels.

This move provides another way to engage with friends and followers. It's kind of like a Post-It note that shows up directly on feed posts. Like all good things, nothing lasts forever, and Notes last for just three days, and can only be left by mutual follows. Think of it as a way to spark interaction and conversation between friends, and friends of friends.

Instagram says that young users in particular are really taking to this feature. In fact, they're reporting that teen users create Notes at 10 times the rate of non-teens. You go, Gen A&Z.  

Rivalling TikTok and Snap, is this Meta’s answer to avoid stagnating with younger users?

Here’s some Notes on the update from Instagram directly. You can even see that the language Instagram has used to describe this new functionality is tailored to that audience specifically:

  • 'React to posts in real time: Leaving Notes on Feed and Reels posts makes it easier to stay up to date with the content that your friends are enjoying, and seeing their reactions to their favourite posts as you scroll.'
  • 'Share hot takes: As Notes on Feed and Reels are only visible for three days, you can share your hottest takes and unfiltered opinions on timely content, like celebrity hard launches, restaurant recommendations in your city, and your reacts to the newest viral meme.'
  • 'Hype up your friends: Leave Notes on your bestie’s selfie, freak out over the latest Taylor Swift surprise song, or share your excitement for the latest collab from your favourite brand.'

Et voila!

It’s been a busy month! As always, if you'd like some help in understanding how social media could support your brand, or engage customers you're struggling to reach, get in touch.

And in the mean time, stay safe out there, see ya in August 👋

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